Webinar on 'Cogitating Kashmir' held in London

Aug 05, 2020

London [UK], Aug 5 : A webinar was held in London by Democracy News Live on "Cogitating Kashmir: Towards representation, inclusive international consensus", the major themes discussed were growing international consensus over recognising Kashmir as India's internal political matter, ideas to strengthen grassroots democracy and brainstorming ideas to make Jammu and Kashmir as a global investment destination, all aimed at making efforts to stabilise the region for perpetuity.
The webinar was organised under the University Dialogues series hosted by Democracy News Live with a panel of international experts on Asian security.
The panel discussed the prevailing domestic and international trends marking one year of New Delhi's abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution.
The panel was unanimous in its view that the past two decades saw a growing acceptance of New Delhi's Kashmir policy, besides being a key partner in the global quest for a rules-based order. The regional challenges notwithstanding, it was acknowledged New Delhi's blueprint to transform Jammu and Kashmir's politico-economic situation needs to be encouraged.
Eyck Freymann (PhD candidate at Oxford), Satoru Nagao (Fellow, Hudson Institute), Buzine Waghmar (Member, SOAS South Asia Institute) and Javaid Trali (Kashmiri activist) joined as participants in the webinar.