Afghan diaspora hold anti-Taliban protest in Rome

Aug 21, 2021

Rome [Italy], August 22 : An anti-Taliban demonstration took place at Republica Square in the heart of Rome. The event saw a gathering of around 100 people including Afghan ex-pats from Pashtun, Uzbek, and Tajik communities.
Several Italians and media persons joined the event in a show of expression of solidarity with the Afghan citizens. Holding anti-Taliban and anti-Pakistan banners, several Afghans came with their families.
The four-hour event witnessed sloganeering and speeches by the community members requesting the world not to abandon the Afghans and "Afghan Lives Matters".
Speaking at the event, Nadir, who is Afghan studies professor in different Universities in Italy, highlighted the illegitimacy of the proclaimed Emirate by the Taliban.
He stated that the Taliban usurped the power by treachery and deceiving everyone by pretending until the last minute that they are willing to negotiate for the creation of a provisional government to lead the country to new elections.
"They have no regard for the Constitution and its provisions, which among other things, establishes that the form of state as a Republic cannot be amended and that the fundamental rights of people can be made more effective but never diminished," he said.
He said that the onus lies on the world to monitor and demand an explanation from the Taliban. Nadir quoted Ahmad Shah Massoud's words that "What you do not understand that by fighting against Taliban, I am fighting for your own freedom".
He impressed upon that it is the moral and legal obligation for the world powers to guarantee not only their own safety but to all including Afghans. "The world should not recognise and normalise their relations with Taliban. No free-thinking Afghan wants to live under the regime of the Taliban. Taliban is not the choice of the public; it is enforced on them and the world is complicit in their helpless situation."