Angry mob in North Dinajpur sets vehicles on fire over alleged gangrape, murder of teen girl

Jul 19, 2020

North Dinajpur (West Bengal) [India], July 19 : An angry mob torched burnt at least three police vehicles and two public buses at Kalgach area in Chopra over an alleged incident of gangrape and murder of a teenaged girl on Sunday afternoon.
Chopra, falls in the North Dinajpur district of West Bengal.
According to protesters, on Saturday night at around 11 pm, a 15-year-old girl went missing and was spotted this morning 700 meters away from her home in a brutal condition. Villagers took her to the Islampur hospital where doctors declared her dead.
Following the incident, angry villagers blocked the National Highway 31 demanding the immediate arrest of the culprits. Police later resorted to a lathi-charge and tear gas shells which triggered a clash between police and the public.
A total number of five vehicles were torched and many were damaged in the violence which went on for several hours.
The girl's body had been sent for a medical examination for further reports.
Ashim Barman, a protester said, "We are demanding immediate arrest of the culprits and strong action against them. We will continue our protest till we see any positive move by the police".
Goutam Deb, the state tourism minister said that the girl's death is "very painful" and added that the police would take action against the culprits.
"It is a very sad incident. We do not want to politicize it. An investigation will be done and the culprits will be punished as per law. We will be meeting the family of the victim tomorrow," he said.