Businesses in Fort Kochi hit by COVID-19

Apr 10, 2021

Kochi (Kerala) [India], April 10 : Fort Kochi Beach in Kerala wore a deserted look amidst fear of COVID-19. Businesses are facing an unprecedented crisis as the state government has again tightened the COVID-19 restrictions and safety measures.
From Thursday, Kerala Police personnel have been ordered to ensure that people use masks in public spaces and they comply with COVID-19 protocols, through intensified checking all throughout the state.

Biju, an ice cream vendor on Friday said, "There are no people at the beach. This has impacted my business. From yesterday, restrictions have been imposed again."
"People are afraid of contracting the disease. Everything almost got to normalcy, but now after restrictions were imposed again the businesses went down," he added.
Muneer a restaurant owner, said, "Travellers are less. All the people wear a mask. Police are always doing rounds, if someone is seen without masks people will ask him to wear masks. Only usual faces are seen here at the beach. Some crowd can be seen on Sunday"
Mani, a textile shop owner said, "Just when the businesses were about to run normally, the restrictions were imposed again. After 6 pm, some locals may come. For one year the business has been running like this. No tourists at all, some People from nearby districts may come, but that will not be of any help to my business."
Kerala has reported 2,130 new COVID-19 cases, 2,205 recoveries and 18 deaths in the last 24 hours, the Union Health Ministry informed on Saturday.
There are 33,936 active cases of COVID-19 in the state. Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday tested positive for coronavirus and had been hospitalized in Kozhikode Government Medical College for treatment.