Chile registers record daily increase in COVID-19 cases

Apr 09, 2021

Santiago [Chile], April 9 (ANI/Xinhua): Chile reported 8,195 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the highest daily count since the outbreak, taking the national tally to 1,051,270.
It was the third time that more than 8,000 news cases had been reported nationwide on a single day. With 183 deaths being reported in the last 24 hours, the national death toll amounted to 23,979.
Deputy Health Minister Paula Daza said at a press conference that the country was experiencing a "very complex" situation, under which "tough" and "restrictive" measures were imposed.
Over 80 per cent of the country's population is currently in quarantine and the country has closed its borders and restricted trade in goods and services.
Undersecretary of Healthcare Networks Alberto Dougnac warned that the inpatients' age range has changed in recent months, with the under-39 group outnumbering the over-70 group, marking a "radical change compared to the first wave."
Chile has vaccinated 7.2 million people to date, with 4.3 million having received the second dose. (ANI/Xinhua)