Climate change: UN chief Guterres urges G20 leaders to show more ambition in reducing emissions

Sep 09, 2023

Washington DC [US], September 9 : UN chief Antonio Guterres on Saturday urged the G20 leaders to show more ambition on reducing emissions and supporting climate justice. 
He further emphasized that half-measures will not prevent full-climate breakdown. 
Taking to his social media 'X', Guterres tweeted, "Half-measures will not prevent full climate breakdown. Today I urged the #G20 to demonstrate far more ambition on reducing emissions & supporting climate justice. We have one planet. Let’s save it."

Earlier, UN chief Antonio Guterres on Friday expressed hope that India’s G20 presidency would help in bringing the “transformative change that the world desperately needs”. 
At a press conference in the national capital, Guterres, who is here to attend the G20 summit, called for much-needed reforms in the international forum including the UN security council, saying the world is in a difficult moment of transition and its multilateral institutions reflect a “bygone age”.
Listing the challenges that the world is facing, the UN chief explained climate crisis is worsening dramatically while the response is lacking in ambition, credibility, and urgency.
“Wars and conflicts are multiplying – but efforts to advance peace are faltering. New technologies are raising red flags – but actions to contain the risks remain too slow and too piecemeal,” he said.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres arrived in New Delhi on Friday to participate in the G20 Summit.
The UN chief received a rousing welcome, with a group of dancers performing a folk dance.
However, European Council President Charles Michel said on Saturday that climate change and the fight against poverty are two challenges that need to be addressed together, and for this, “you can count on the European Union.”
At One Earth, Michel emphasized that we must fight for peace with nature.“At One Earth, we want a better future for the generations that follow us. We must fight for peace with nature, the fight against climate change,” he said.