Concerned about states using terrorism as an instrument of their state policy- India at SCO

Nov 30, 2020

New Delhi [India], November 30 : India has raised concerns over state sponsorship of terrorism at the SCO meet with Vice President Venkaiah Naidu stating that "terrorism, particularly cross-border terrorism was the most important challenge faced by us."
He said that India condemns terrorism in all its manifestations but is particularly concerned about countries which use terror as an instrument of state policy.
This is the first time that the summit-level meeting is being held under India's chairmanship since the country gained full membership of the organisation.
Alluding to Pakistan raising bilateral issues at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meet, Naidu said this is against the spirit of the multilateral fora.
"It's unfortunate to note that there had been attempts to deliberately bring bilateral issues into SCO and blatantly violate well-established principles and norms of SCO charter. Such acts are counterproductive to the spirit of consensus that defined SCO," he said.
"The most important challenge faced by us is terrorism, particularly cross-border terrorism...India condemns terrorism in all its manifestation. We are particularly concerned about states that leverage terrorism as an instrument of their state policy," he added.
India also pitched for reforms in global institutions including WHO. "The socio-political impact of Covid-19 has been more acute and has exposed the weakness of global institutions. This is the time to bring in much-needed reforms to our global institutions, including WHO, and rework our development strategies to face a post- Covid-19 world," Naidu said.
"More than 60 per cent of the vaccines for global immunization programs are being manufactured in India. More than 30 indigenous vaccines for Covid-19 are currently being developed in our country, three of them are in an advanced stage" he added.
India also proposed several new initiatives to give momentum to the trade, economic and cultural agenda.
"During the chairmanship of our tenure, we've proposed to create a special working group on start-ups and innovations. India has created robust dynamic environment for start-ups. India made an offer to annually host special working group for start-ups" Naidu added.
He said ties between India and SCO region have flourished uninterrupted for thousands of years. "By 2025, India's GDP is expected to reach 5 trillion. It will be the youngest nation with an average age of 29 years."
Speaking on the coronavirus pandemic, the Vice President said that India has shown "resilience" and ensured the economic stability of the country, which has been recognised in the global community.
"India has bravely fought global pandemic and has shown remarkable resilience in fighting the virus as well as ensuring economic stability. India has kept its Covid-19 death rate at the lowest level in the world. India's efforts have found global recognition," he said.
During the meet, India also extended an invitation to the SCO member states for SCO Food Festival.
"To commemorate the 20th anniversary of SCO in 2021, India will also be hosting SCO Food Festival in India. I would like to extend an invitation all member states to participate in this event," Naidu said.
India assumed the Chairmanship of the SCO Council of Heads of Government on November 2, 2019, as per rotation from the previous Chair - Uzbekistan and will complete its year-long tenure on November 30, 2020, by hosting the 19th session of the SCO Council of Heads of Government (CHG).