Equipped with PPE kits, salon opens in Siliguri

May 29, 2020

Siliguri (West Bengal) [India], May 29 : Barber shop at Rathkhola in Siliguri has started their services while following proper safety measures to prevent spread of COVID-19.
The shopkeeper check the temperature of the costumers and provide the sanitizers before they enter the shop. Following the guidelines of maintaining social distance, the shop owner keep the middle chair vacate and keep on sanitizing all the equipment after every use.
All the hairdressers in the shop wear PPE kits and gloves while cutting hair and giving any other services to customers.
The customers are satisfied and welcomed the initiative and said that all other barber shops should follow the same protocol.
"I don't think this is being followed in any other shops here. They checked my temperature and gave me sanitizer, so the first impression was good. When I sat on the chair I saw that all of them were wearing PPE kits and mask. It is good and satisfactory," Arpan Das, a customer told ANI.
"We are wearing this uniform, masks, gloves and goggles. We are also using sanitizers. We wash towels after every use and maintaining social distancing. Customers are not much at this time but it is good as we can't allow crowed here like earlier. I appeal to every shop to follow norms to prevent this virus from spreading," Arjun Das, a barber said.