Gujarat: School children celebrate eco-friendly Holi with wasted flowers of temple

Mar 18, 2022

Vadodara (Gujarat) [India], March 18 : In a unique style of celebration, school children in Vadodara celebrated an eco-friendly Holi with wasted flowers of the temple.
Prince Ashokraje Gaekwad School in Gujarat arranged the celebration of Holi for the children on the school campus. The kids splashed flowers, hopped and danced as part of the Holi celebrations. The school administration said that it ensured an eco-friendly celebration to give a message to the entire world to avoid chemical colours and celebrate an eco-friendly and safe festival.
Speaking to ANI, Tushar Bhosle, Administrator of the school said, "The celebration was organised keeping the eco-friendly theme to give a message to the world that we must celebrate eco-friendly festivals. We reused the flowers from the temple for the celebration and made sure that no chemical colours were used. The Abir-Gulal, we used, was also eco-friendly."
This Holi is very special for all of us. For the last 2 years, we celebrated all the festivals with restrictions. It is a very exciting and overwhelming experience to have no restrictions this year. I pray to god, this festival brings happiness to the entire world and we keep celebrating the festivals with the same zeal and joy." he added.
India is a land of diverse cultures and traditions and Holi is one of the country's festivals that fill one with jubilation and festive cheer. Holi is essentially the festival of colours, symbolic of joy and victory of good over evil but it is celebrated across the country in varied ways. This year, the festival of Holi is being celebrated across the country from March 17-18.