Gym owners, trainers in Tamil Nadu urge govt to allow reopening

Jul 10, 2020

Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], July 10 : Gym owners and fitness trainers on Thursday appealed to the Tamil Nadu Government to allow them to reopen their fitness centres following nearly four months of the COVID-19 induced lockdown.
A popular fitness icon Ruby Beauty said that many gym owners have had to close their businesses because they have been unable to sustain themselves during the lockdown.
"We worked so hard to get to a point where we can own our gyms and help other people, only to have it crushed by this lockdown. In the beginning, we thought this would only last a couple of weeks but this has gone on for too long," Ruby told ANI.
She added that many fitness trainers have been forced to dip into their savings and some have even run out of that as well.
"As a single parent and sole breadwinner of my family, I had to pledge my jewellery. This was my back-up plan in case we run into a financial crisis. If this also runs out, I don't know how I will survive. Most trainers earn between Rs 15-20,000 per months which is just barely enough to sustain a family, including school fees, food and electricity bills and EMIs," she said.
She also appealed to the state government to let the gyms and fitness centres be opened as the places enable people to "build immunity and stay healthy".
While speaking to ANI, JK Ravi, owner of JK power gym in Chennai's Valasaravakkam said that due to the lockdown, he has been unable to make a living.
"I tried to manage till June, but haven't been able to pay the rent this month. I have helped a lot of my clients quit smoking and drinking and was helping people maintain healthy lifestyles," Ravi said.