"If people are sitting there for political purposes...": Union Minister VK Singh on wrestlers being detained

May 29, 2023

New Delhi [India], May 29 : Union Minister General VK Singh (retd) on Monday slammed people sitting at the protest site for "political purposes" in connection with the scuffle that broke out at Jantar Mantar on Sunday.
The Delhi Police have registered an FIR against the organisers of the wrestlers' protest and their supporters for violating law and order.
Several ace grapplers including Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Malik have been protesting at the Jantar Mantar accusing the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of sexual harassment and demanding his arrest. Many prominent opposition parties have lent their support to the wrestlers' protest.
The FIR was registered at Parliament Street Police Station.
While talking to the media, VK Singh said, "If people are sitting there for political purposes then the administration will take action. If people from outside will come there and do riots then the police will take action."
India's Olympic medallist wrestlers Sakshi Malik, Bajrang Punia alongwith Vinesh Phogat and Sangeeta Phogat were detained by Delhi Police on Sunday while attempting to march to the new Parliament building where they planned to stage a demonstration.
FIR has been filed under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 147, 149, 186, 188, 332, 353, Section 3 of the PDPP Act, said Delhi Police.
"We provided all possible facilities to the wrestlers protesting at Jantar Mantar for the past 38 days. But yesterday they violated the law despite all requests made to them. They were detained and released by the evening," said Suman Nalwa, Deputy Commissioner of Police in Delhi.
Former wrestler Yogeshwar Dutt, who is also a member of the executive committee of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA), on Monday, accused the opposition parties of misusing wrestlers and attempting to tarnish the image of the country. He also said that the opposition parties pushed the wrestlers to break protocols.
"Opposition parties misused the wrestlers and tried to tarnish the image of the country. Wrestlers' demand was to register an FIR and it has been registered and police are investigating the matter," Dutt told mediapersons here.
Dutt said that the wrestlers were pushed to break all protocols. "They were mistaken because everyone is aware of the protocols that must be followed during significant events such as the inauguration of the New Parliament Building yesterday. In terms of investigation, the police have already filed complaints, and the committee is expected to submit its report soon. It is clear that the athletes were pushed to violate all protocols," Dutt said.