India at UN reiterates for peaceful resolution of Israel-Palestine issue, supports two-state solution

Jan 19, 2022

New York [US], January 20 : India on Wednesday at the UN Security Council open debate on the Middle East, reiterated its firm and unwavering commitment to the peaceful resolution of the Palestine issue and supported a negotiated two-state solution.
Ambassador TS Tirumurti, Permanent Representative of India at UN supported a negotiated two-state solution leading to the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable State of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders, side by side at peace with Israel.
"Resolution 2334 was adopted by this Council to reaffirm the international community's firm commitment to preventing the erosion of the two-state solution," said Tirumurti.
Deeply concerned by recent developments in the West Bank and Gaza, the Indian ambassador said, "Unilateral measures unduly alter the status-quo on the ground, undercut the viability of the two-state solution and pose serious challenges to the resumption of peace talks."
He urged the international community to send a strong signal against any step that would prevent the possibility of durable peace between Israel and Palestine.
"Encouraged by direct contacts between Israel and Palestine leadership, initiatives which are in the interest of both parties, help maintain stability and discourage possible recurrence of terror and violence," said Tirumurti.
He also stressed on the need for a clear roadmap for early resumption of direct negotiations on all final status issues.
"Absence of these direct talks on key political issues has asymmetrical costs for both Israelis and Palestinians and does not augur well for long-term peace in the region," said Tirumurti.
The Indian ambassador also expressed strong condemnation of the recent terror attack in Abu Dhabi, in which two Indians tragically lost their lives.
"Such an attack on innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure is completely unacceptable. It is a blatant violation of international law and against all civilized norms," said Tirumurti.
The two Indians and one Pakistani national were killed and at least six persons were injured on Monday as three petroleum tanker trucks blew up after catching fire near a major oil storage facility in the Mussafah area of the capital of UAE
Tirumurti further said that India stands in solidarity with UAE and extends its full support for an unequivocal condemnation of this terror attack by the Council.