Indian Navy's PPE clears certification by INMAS

May 07, 2020

New Delhi [India], May 8 : Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), designed and produced by Indian Navy, has been tested by Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS) Delhi, a DRDO organization tasked with the testing and certification of PPE, and has been certified to be mass-produced and used in clinical COVID situations.
A Defence Ministry release said that the Indian Navy has risen to this challenge of making available this critical resource in the fight against COVID-19.
A team formed by the Innovation Cell, Institute of Naval Medicine, Mumbai and the Naval Dockyard Mumbai collaborated to design and produce PPE.
"The PPE has been tested by INMAS Delhi. It has been passed with 6/6 synthetic blood penetration resistance test pressure," the release said.
It said the outstanding features of the PPE are its simple, innovative and cost-effective design.
"It can be made by basic gown manufacturing facilities. The PPE is noteworthy for the innovative choice of fabric used, which gives the PPE its 'breathability' and penetration resistance rendering it both comfortable and safe for the user. The cost for this PPE is significantly lower than those commercially available," the release said.
The PPE is required to meet stringent criteria on testing and the benchmarks of the same are set by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.