MoS health receives first tranche of 4,475 oxygen concentrators from Temasek Foundation

Jul 22, 2020

New Delhi [India], July 22 : The first tranche of 4,475 oxygen concentrators from Temasek Foundation, Singapore was received on Wednesday by Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare.
"The Foundation has offered to donate a total of 20,000 oxygen concentrators to India. The remaining oxygen concentrators will be received in the month of August 2020. These devices will be made available to states and UTs for use in the management of moderate cases of COVID-19," the Ministry of Health said in a release.
Expressing gratitude towards Temasek Foundation, Singapore for their generous help, Ashwini Kumar Choubey said that the oxygen concentrators will substantially aid the fight against COVID-19 in the country. Calling this contribution "very timely", he also complimented the Indian Red Cross Society for facilitating the import of devices in the quickest possible time.
"I express deep gratitude to all the people who have made donations to the cause of fighting COVID-19 in the country through donating blood, plasma and also making donations in kind", he added.
Choubey said, "Under the dynamic leadership of the Prime Minister, India has been leading the fight against COVID-19 through coordinated efforts between the Centre and states/UTs through the 'Whole of Government' approach. The encouraging results are being visible across the country. We are committed to providing all possible support to the state and UT governments in their efforts."
Commenting on the usefulness of the oxygen concentrators, he added that, "The oxygen concentrators are helpful devices for moderate cases of COVID-19 patients, who may require low oxygen support. They convert atmospheric air to therapeutic oxygen that has a concentration of 90-95 per cent."
As the machine obviates the need for transportation and refilling of heavy oxygen cylinders, they can be placed in the wards where such patients are provided care, he said. These machines can be used at COVID care centres and the Railway coaches that have been repurposed as COVID care centres. The Minister added that they are especially useful in remote areas, where logistical constraints may hinder the continuous supply of oxygen cylinders.
Preeti Sudan, Secretary (MoHFW), Rajesh Bhushan, OSD (MoHFW), R K Jain, Secretary-General, Indian Red Cross, senior officers from MoHFW and representatives of Tata Trust were present during the event.