No Pakistan Ambassador to France for 3 months, National Assembly demands recall of its Ambassador

Oct 28, 2020

Islamabad [Pakistan], October 28 : In a unanimous resolution, Pakistan's National Assembly has asked the government that the country should recall its ambassador in France following the furore over French President Emmanuel Macron's comments on Islam, even though Pakistan currently has no ambassador posted in Paris, as its ambassador Moin-ul-Haq had already left France three months ago, when he was transferred and posted as ambassador to China.
Since Moin-ul-Haq's transfer, Pakistan has no envoy in the French capital as the Foreign Office did not designate his replacement. A number of senior diplomats are waiting for their posting, but the Foreign Office of Pakistan has not designated an ambassador for France and some other vacant slots, reported The News.
According to The News, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who was among the movers of the resolution in the National Assembly on Monday evening, was aware of the fact that Pakistan embassy in France is without an ambassador but did not oblige the house by passing on the information amid heated discussion regarding the situation.
Well-placed sources informed that Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi, who is deputy head of mission in Paris embassy is looking after the affairs of the mission, as he is the senior-most diplomat posted in Paris.
The resolution did not mention the expulsion of French ambassador posted in Islamabad as this step could represent harsh reaction.
Earlier, Macron had pledged to fight "Islamist separatism", which he said was threatening to take control in some Muslim communities around France.
Macron's remarks did not go well with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan who slammed the French President, saying that he has "chosen to deliberately provoke Muslims"
Taking to Twitter, Khan said, "Hallmark of a leader is he unites human beings, as Mandela did, rather than dividing them. This is a time when Pres Macron could have put healing touch and denied space to extremists rather than creating further polarisation and marginalisation that inevitably leads to radicalisation."
"By attacking Islam, clearly without having any understanding of it, President Macron has attacked and hurt the sentiments of millions of Muslims in Europe and across the world."