Pak responsible for miseries, genocide of Afghan-Pashtuns: PTM leader at UNHRC

Sep 26, 2020

Geneva [Switzerland], September 26 : Drawing the international community's attention towards the plight of 40 million Afghan-Pashtuns living in Pakistan, Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) leader said that the recent brutal attack on Zeba Safi (also known as Malala) in Momand district of Pakhtunkhwa by unknown militants was likely by the military secret service.
"Thousands of displaced persons in the last 18 years are still forced by Pakistan to live in miserable conditions in most tribal areas," the PTM leader said at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva.
Highlighting the recent attack on Zeba Safi, he said, "She was attacked by unknown persons who were likely military secret service."
He targeted Pakistan over its "continuous support to sponsor terrorist organisations on both sides of the Durand Line".
"Pakistan continues to sponsor terrorist organisations on both sides of the Durand Line. They are responsible for the miseries and genocide of Afghan-Pashtuns. Pashtuns are living in Pakistan as slaves."
The Aghan-Pashtuns demand the right to self-determination guaranteed under the UN Charter, he added.