Pakistan: Balochistan interim govt assures transparent provincial election

Aug 28, 2023

Islamabad [Pakistan], August 28 : Balochistan care­taker Information Mini­ster Jan Achakzai assured that the interim government will not try to influence the upcoming elections, Dawn reported. 
On Sunday, Achakzai expressed his commitment to ensure an impartial and transparent provincial election and for that, all necessary measures are taken.
Responding to Balochistan National Party (Mengal) chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal’s allegations that certain members of the interim government in Balochistan are associated with specific political parties, Achakzai said the act of stepping down from a party subsequent to taking an oath would not lessen the allegiance or ideological dedication of a cabinet member.
In a statement, Achakzai assured Mengal that the caretaker cabinet members had no political agenda and would not participate in any way in violating the rules set by the Election Commission of Pakistan, as per Dawn.
Earlier, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, Chief of the BNP, emphasised the constitutional obligation of the ECP to conduct elections after the government’s tenure concludes, The Express Tribune reported. 
During a press conference in Quetta, he expressed his anticipation of the ECP fulfilling this vital constitutional duty. Joined by Raja Jawad Advocate and others, the event marked the addition of new members to the BNP, including former party lawmakers Malik Naseer Shahwani and Akhtar Hussain Langove from the Balochistan Assembly.
Mengal noted that the government’s tenure concluded in accordance with the constitution, shifting the responsibility to the ECP to announce the election schedule.
Mengal noted that the government’s tenure concluded in accordance with the constitution, shifting the responsibility to the ECP to announce the election schedule. Responding to queries about the BNP’s stance on former Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Quddus Bizenjo, Mengal cited dissatisfaction with the former CM, Jam Kamal Khan, due to his uncompromising stance according to The Express Tribune.
He compared the “Jam era” to the governance of Musharraf, highlighting incidents like using armoured vehicles against assembly members during the budget session at the Balochistan Assembly premises. Mengal defended his support for Quddus Bizenjo, explaining it as a response to the mistreatment of lawmakers, especially women, during Kamal’s tenure.