Pakistan interior minister threatens action against anyone who 'maligns Army'

Jan 03, 2021

Rawalpindi [Pakistan], January 3 : In the backdrop of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) rally scheduled to be held in Bahawalpur on Sunday, Pakistan Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed on Saturday threatened to take action against anyone who maligns the Pakistan Army, reported Geo News.
"Action will be taken within 72 hours against anyone who maligns or uses derogatory language against the Pakistan Army or other state institutions," said the Minister.
PDM, an 11-party opposition alliance is seeking the resignation of Prime Minister Imran Khan by January 31 on corruption charges, has been taking potshots at the Pak Army at its rallies for meddling with country's politics.
Talking to media in Rawalpindi, Rasheed criticised PDM chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, "Maulana's stars are in circulation and his politics has turned upside down," added Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed.
PDM had earlier announced to resign from the assemblies on December 31, but the date has passed and also no decision has been taken on contesting the Senate elections while it will participate in the by-polls. Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) had earlier decided to take part in the election process.
"PPP has won and the PDM has lost," Rasheed said. He added that the PPP has forced PDM to get on its knees.
Meanwhile, PDM chief Fazlur Rehman said that rifts within the PDM are a campaign run by the media and added that the PDM is more determined to rid the country of Imran Khan and his illegitimate government.