Russia: Schools, colleges, malls shut in Belgorod as Ukrainian attacks rise

Mar 16, 2024

Moscow [Russia], March 17 : All schools and colleges in parts of Russia's Belgorod will remain shut on Monday and Tuesday after a rise in Ukrainian attacks on the region, CNN reported, citing the region's governor Vyacheslav Gladkov.
In the statement issued on Telegram, Gladkov stated that shopping malls will also remain closed on Sunday and Monday. The impacted districts lie near the border with Ukraine. The frequent attacks have brought the conflict in Ukraine to the people of Russia largely isolated from the war.
On Saturday, Ukraine's Spy Chief Kyrylo Budanov said Russians are among the sabotage groups attacking Belgorod and Kursk, which shares the border with Ukraine, according to CNN.
"This is a story about how Russians solve this domestic issue. We may like some of them more, others less. But still, both are Russians," Budanov said, adding that the attacks will continue.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the attacks carried out on the Belgorod and Kursk regions have been largely unsuccessful. He added that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being constantly updated on the situation, CNN reported citing Russian state news RIA Novosti.
In his earlier statement, Belgorod's governor Gladkov stressed that the situation in the city and Belgorod district was 'quite difficult', adding, "Naturally, the issue of safety is the most important for all of us. It is clear that teachers, nannies and technical staff are all worried."
Schools and colleges in the impacted districts have been closed since Tuesday evening last week, when Gladkov announced students would be having "days of self-learning" through Friday. At the time of the announcement, he said he hoped schools would be able to begin normal activities on Monday, CNN reported.
Since the first half of 2023, Ukraine has been attacking Russia's Belgorod region off and on, according to reports. However, Ukraine has scaled up shelling and strikes about a week ago.
People in Belgorod, as well as other parts of Russia, are presently voting for the Presidential elections.
Meanwhile, voting continued in Russia for a second day on Saturday, with authorities apprehending several Russians for carrying out acts of civil disobedience.
On Saturday, Gladkov said two people, including a truck driver whose vehicle was hit by a shell, were killed in early morning attacks.
In a post on Telegram on Saturday, Russia's Defence Ministry said Russian forces repelled Ukraine fighters attempts to infiltrate the country in several areas, saying that it had conducted "a complex fire attack on concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment".
Local residents in Belgorod have been sharing images and videos on local social media platforms, showing explosions in the city and fires burning outside residential buildings where Ukrainian strikes have taken place, CNN reported.
Earlier this week, Ukrainian groups of Russian fighters mounted a cross-border attack in Belgorod while heavy drone strikes and shelling were also reported in the city.