Russian Armed Forces ordered to advance as Ukraine rejects talks: Defense Ministry

Feb 26, 2022

Moscow [Russia], February 27 : The Russian Armed Forces were ordered to advance in all directions after Ukraine refused to hold talks, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday.
"Today, all units were ordered to advance in all directions in accordance with the operation's plan after Ukraine had refused to take part in the negotiation process," Russian News Agency TASS reported citing Konashenkov as saying.
According to Konashenkov, the forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR, LPR) continue to advance towards the positions of the Ukrainian army with the fire support of the Russian Armed Forces, Russian News Agency reported.
Earlier, on Thursday, Putin had announced a special military operation.
Putin stressed that Moscow had no plans to occupy Ukrainian territories and the goal was to demilitarize and denazify the country, TASS reported.
Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized Ukraine's breakaway regions - Donetsk and Luhansk - as independent entities escalating the ongoing tensions between the two countries.