Sports Minister Anurag Thakur felicitates World U20 Athletics Champions

Aug 25, 2021

New Delhi [India], August 25 : Anurag Thakur, the Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports on Wednesday felicitated India's medal winners in the recent World Athletics U20 Championships in Nairobi.
Indians bagged 2 silver medals through Long Jumper Shaili Singh and 10000m Race Walker Amit Khatri and a bronze medal through the Mixed Team 4x400m Relay of Barath Sridhar, Priya Mohan, Summy and Kapil.
Thakur sought suggestions from the young athletes to improve the sports ecosystem in the country. He then said there would be several initiatives taken by the government to help nurture the culture of sports in India.
"We see hope in you and not just medals. You are an inspiration for other sportspersons in the country. You have done a tremendous job in getting us laurels even at this difficult time of the pandemic, your journey has been outstanding and I assure you that no compromises will be made in helping you in your sporting journey," said Thakur.
Thakur recalled that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said sports is about dedication, determination and hard work and all our athletes are winners in their own right when he told athletes, who did not win any medal, to not feel disheartened. He said there should not be any pressure of getting medals but the focus should be on giving their best.
The minister also said that he is happy to learn that former champions are becoming coaches and this is a good sign for the welfare of sports. Also present were World Championship Long Jump medalist Anju Bobby George, Chief Coach (Junior) Kamal Ali Khan and other dignitaries from MYAS, AFI and SAI.
Shaili Singh's coach Robert Bobby George who was present said that to promote the culture of sports, India needs to work towards the development of the attitude of parents. He said that parents need to make sports as important as academics.
Shaili Singh said that recognition of sports in the country is now gaining huge prominence and their morale is boosted when their efforts were recognised.