Taiwan expresses gratitude to UK, Australia for reaffirming stance on Strait peace

Jan 23, 2022

Taipei [Taiwan], January 23 : Taiwan on Sunday expressed gratitude to the UK and Australia for reaffirming their stance on Strait peace.
Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday expressed gratitude for Australia and the UK support and said that Taiwan will continue working with both countries and other like-minded partners to promote a more open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific region, according to Taiwan News.
Earlier, Australia and the UK highlighted the importance of Taiwan Strait peace and expressed support for Taiwan's participation in international organizations during a ministerial meeting on Friday.
Further, UK Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss and Defence Secretary Ben Wallace met with Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Defence Minister Peter Dutton for the Australia-UK Ministerial Consultations in Sydney, Australia on Friday.
Also, the ministers reiterated the significance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and encouraged the peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues.
On the other hand, the ministers backed Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations "as a member where statehood is not a prerequisite and as an observer or guest where it is," according to an Australia UK. joint statement.
Meanwhile, both US and Japan stressed the importance of peace and stability in the strait and a peaceful resolution of cross-strait tensions during a virtual meeting, according to Taiwan News.