Taliban lacks recognition due to refusal to accept world's orders: Taliban's acting Interior Minister

Jul 06, 2023

Kabul [Afghanistan], July 7 : Taliban's acting Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani has said the Taliban lacks recognition due to its refusal to accept the world's "orders", TOLO News reported.
TOLO News is an Afghan news channel broadcasting from Kabul.
Haqqani made the remarks on a visit to Paktia. He met with religious scholars and ethnic elders.
"Our independence was in someone else's hand. Today, as they are not recognizing us, it is because we do not accept their orders, we didn't accept their demands, until the last breath, we have not accepted any word from them," Haqqani said, as per TOLO News.
"We have been invaded, not only by the military, but an ideological invasion, an economic invasion and a cultural invasion. They have created foxes in every tribe and nation so no one can say the truth," he said.
"This is a joint home of the Afghans, and the Afghans will protect them," said Ibrahim, a tribal elder.
The Taliban have banned women from universities in Afghanistan, sparking international condemnation and despair among young people in the country.
The ban further restricts women's education - girls have already been excluded from secondary schools since the Taliban returned last year.
Since the takeover, Taliban leadership has consistently issued severe decrees restricting Afghan women and girls' access to education and employment, reported Khaama Press.Thousands of women have stayed at home since colleges and schools stopped accepting female students, and there are restrictions on the work that women and girls can do in local and international NGOs.
However, some women and girls have started working, such as by picking up trades or other commercial endeavours, in order to make money.Since the Taliban regained power in August 2021 after the US exit from the country, women are not allowed to work in the fields of education with domestic and international organisations, in gyms, or in public spaces.
Meanwhile, political analysts said that the Taliban needs to fulfil the legitimate wishes of the international community in order to reach recognition.
"The Taliban have not taken any action in this regard. They have not taken any positive steps, thus the Taliban are being driven away from recognition," said Wahid Faqiri, a political analyst, as per TOLO News.
The international community has repeatedly called for the start of intra-Afghan dialogues, human rights and especially women's rights, preventing the use of Afghan soil against others, and preventing the cultivation and production of narcotics.
Meanwhile, the Islamic Emirate also criticized the freezing of Afghanistan's assets and the inclusion of its members' names on the UN blacklist.