Tibetans in-exile perform group circle dance during Losar celebrations

Feb 12, 2024

Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) [India], February 12 : Hundreds of Tibetans in exile gathered to participate in a circle dance in the North Indian hill town of Dharamshala. It's the second day of Losar, the Tibetan New Year and they celebrate it for three days.
However, in some regions, Tibetan people celebrate Losar for 15 days. It is a festival for all Tibetans across the world where they come together, offer prayers, perform group dance and rituals.

Many Tibetans, mostly in traditional dresses, participate in a group dance in McLeodganj to celebrate the second day of their new year here today.

They are celebrating the 2151 'Dragon Wood' year according to the Tibetan lunar calendar.
Polam Dolma, an exile Tibetan lady, said, "It is the second day of Losar, the Tibetan new year and here we are participating in a circle dance so many people have joined with our traditional clothes. So I am very happy and excited and this year the celebrations are more happening as compared to last years and more people have joined."

Another Tibetan lady, Tenzin Youdon, said, "We are dancing on our traditional songs and usually we dance on Wednesday as his holiness the Dalain Lama was born on Wednesday and we call it Lhakar so today it's not Lhakar but it's the second day of Losar and we are here to dance and I am very excited and happy. I love dancing. It's saddening that we are not together with our brothers and sisters who live inside Tibet but I hope we will get a chance, get a time to celebrate Losar together someday."

Thubten Jigme, a Tibetan in-exile, said, "All Tibetans are celebrating the occasion with great joy here in Dharamshala. Actually, in Tibet, our own culture is not allowed but it's good here people are enjoying themselves and are all very happy. We are enjoying freedom in India but there are lot of restrictions in Tibet."