Ukraine President discusses defense assistance, sanctions with Biden

Feb 25, 2022

Kiev [Ukraine], February 26 : Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday discussed the sanctions, defense assistance and an anti-war coalition with US President Joe Biden.
"Strengthening sanctions, concrete defense assistance and an anti-war coalition have just been discussed with @POTUS. Grateful to for the strong support to Ukraine," Zelenskyy tweeted.
The White House confirmed that the meeting ran from 11:52 am to 12:32 pm ET.
The conversation comes after Zelensky, who is still in Kyiv, delivered a speech saying Ukraine was "alone in defending our country," according to CNN.
"Who is ready to give Ukraine a guarantee of joining NATO? Honestly, everyone is afraid," Zelensky said. Today I asked 27 European leaders if Ukraine will be in NATO, asked straight up. Everyone is afraid, not responding, but we are not afraid," CNN reported.
Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba spoke with Bahrain counterpart Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani to brief the latter about the latest developments of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
"Call with Foreign Minister of Bahrain Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani to brief him about the latest developments of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. I urged Bahrain as a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council to call on Russia to cease hostilities and commit to dialogue," Kuleba tweeted.