'Unity is strength': Liverpool squad condoles demise of George Floyd

Jun 01, 2020

Liverpool [UK], June 1 : The entire Liverpool squad on Monday kneeled down to show solidarity as 'Black Lives Matter' protests are taking place throughout the US.
The entire team followed social distancing norms while kneeling down and the picture was shared by Liverpool's Trent Alexander-Arnold.
Arnold captioned the post as: "Unity is strength #BlackLivesMatter."

In August 2016, some American athletes had protested against police brutality and racism by kneeling on one knew when the US national anthem was played. Since then, it has become a way of showing dissent against police brutality and racism.
Black Lives Matter' protests have intensified across the US after an African-American man -- George Floyd -- passed away after having a knee pressed into his neck by a police officer identified as Derek Chauvin.
The officer who pressed his knee on Floyd's neck has been charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
He and three other officers have been fired from the force as well after the video of Floyd's death emerged.
Earlier today, an over 200-year-old historic St John's church near White House was vandalised and set on fire as protests over the death of Floyd escalated into rioting and multiple fires were seen in Washington and other US cities.