UP govt sacked more than 500 workers by imposing ESMA, alleges Priyanka Gandhi Vadra

Jul 29, 2021

New Delhi [India], July 29 : Congress leader and General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Thursday alleged that the Uttar Pradesh government sacked more than 500 workers by imposing Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA).
In a tweet in Hindi, the Congress leader wrote, "During the prevailing COVID-19 period in Uttar Pradesh, the government used to talk about showering flowers on ambulance workers. But, as soon as they (workers) raised their voice for their rights, the government is talking about raining sticks on them. The government sacked more than 500 workers by imposing ESMA and the public is upset. God save the state from such a government."
On May 27, 2021, Uttar Pradesh Government invoked the Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) in Uttar Pradesh. This act prohibits strikes in all state government departments and corporations for six months.
Earlier, the state government invoked the ESMA in the state on May 22, 2020 for six months. They extended the provisions for another six months on November 25, 2020.
Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections are scheduled to be held in 2022.