US arms sale to Taiwan is gross interference our affairs: Chinese Defence Ministry

Feb 09, 2022

Beijing [China], February 9 : The Chinese Defence Ministry on Wednesday warned the US against selling arms to Taiwan, saying that this act constitutes a blatant interference in China's internal affairs, which Beijing strongly condemns.
The United States on Tuesday approved a USD 100 million sales of equipment and services to Taiwan to "sustain" and "improve" the Patriot missile defence system used by the self-governing island.
"US arms sales to Taiwan severely infringe on the 'One China' principle and three joint US-China communiques... This represents a flagrant interference in China's internal affairs and undermines China's sovereignty and security interests," the Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesperson of the Wu Qian said on Wednesday.
Wu added that Washington's arms sales to Taiwan "erode relations between China and the US as well as between the armed forces of the two countries, endangering peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
A day earlier, the Chinese Foreign Ministry expressed a similar outrage and said the US should "withdraw" this proposal immediately. Zhao Lijian told a briefing that China will take necessary and effective measures to protect its sovereignty and ensure its security.
The development comes at a time when tensions between China and Taiwan are heightened. The relations between China and the US have also deteriorated in recent issues concerning human rights, coronavirus pandemic and trade.
US Defense Security Cooperation Agency on Monday said it has delivered the required certification notifying Congress following State Department approval for the sale requested by Taiwan's TECRO.
"This proposed sale serves US national, economic, and security interests by supporting the recipient's continuing efforts to modernize its armed forces and to maintain a credible defensive capability. The proposed sale will help improve the security of the recipient and assist in maintaining political stability, military balance, economic and progress in the region," the statement read.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region, the statement added. Taiwan has welcomed the US move to approve USD 100 million arms sales.