US House pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 151 birth anniversary

Oct 02, 2020

Washington DC [US], October 2 : Scores of US House of Representatives on Thursday (local time) paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 151st birth anniversary.
On the eve of Gandhi Jayanti, Congressman Rohit Khanna posted a message saying: "Gandhi taught us that the best fight for justice was a fight wage with principles of nonviolence."
"Mahatma Gandhi changed the course of human history. So many people were inspired by his actions," said Congressman Tom Suozzi in a tribute to Gandhi.
Congressman TJ Coxsa and Mike Fitzpatrick also offered their tributes to Gandhi. While Coxsa encouraged people to embrace their differences to honour his legacy, Fitzpatrick endorsed Gandhi's idea of selfless service.
"I believe we can best honor Gandhi's legacy by choosing to embrace our differences and dedicating ourselves to creating a world that is equitable for all," Coxsa said.
"Gandhi believed that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others. As elected officials, we come together to reflect on the achievements and lasting impact he had," Fitzpatrick said.
Several other Congressman offered their tributes to Gandhi via Indian Embassy's Twitter handle.
A special message from Ted Yoho read: "his philosophies inspired many including Dr. Martin Luther King's peaceful protests that led to our nation's civil right legislation in the 1960's."
Congressman Ami Bera said that Gandhi is an "inspiration for all".