Uyghur body to hold protest against China on International Human Rights Day

Dec 09, 2020

Washington DC [US], December 9 : A pro-Uyghur body named East Turkistan National Awakening Movement is set to hold protests in various countries around the world on International Human Rights Day on December 10 to raise awareness about the ongoing human rights issues in China.
The protest will be held in several cities including Geneva, New York City, Washington DC, and Toronto, against the aggressive policies adopted by the Communist Party of China (CCP).
"Join us on December 10th -International Human Rights Day to protest against China and its CCP's aggression and atrocities in East Turkistan, Hong Kong, South Mongolia, and Tibet. Demonstrations will be held in Edmonton, Geneva, The Hague, NYC, San Francisco, Washington DC, and Toronto," said East Turkistan National Awakening Movement, which is a Washington-based organisation.
A sizeable Muslim population in Xinjiang has been incarcerated in an expanding network of "political re-education" camps, according to US officials and UN experts.
People in the internment camps are reportedly subjected to forced political indoctrination, torture, beatings and denial of food and medicine, besides being prohibited from practising their religion or speaking their language.
Besides Xinjiang, China has been slammed by the international community for its aggressive policies in Hong Kong.
This comes after a number of former pro-democracy lawmakers and activists have been arrested in recent months over protests after the draconian National Security Law was imposed on the city by Beijing. The law criminalises secession, subversion and collusion with foreign forces and carries with it strict prison terms. It came into effect from July 1.
Furthermore, it is a common practice across Tibet that if a complaint is made and voices raised against the authorities, people are liable to face harsh punishments, The Taiwan Times reported.
Despite the attempts by the authoritarian CCP to curb freedom of expression, right to information, association and religion in Tibet, there has been a rise in domestic social media giving a platform to voices challenging the government-sponsored news.