With 1,300 new cases, Delhi's COVID-19 count reaches 1,45,427

Aug 09, 2020

New Delhi [India], Aug 9 : With 1,300 new positive cases being reported, Delhi's COVID-19 count reached 1,45,427 on Sunday, according to the health bulletin issued by the government.
The count includes 10,729 active cases, while 1,30,587 patients have been cured and discharged so far in the national capital.
With 13 deaths being reported today, the toll due to the disease reached 4,111 today.
As per the bulletin, out of a total of 13,527 beds for COVID patients in hospitals, a total of 3,084 are occupied while 10,443 are lying vacant.
A total of 11,92,082 tests for the infection have been conducted so far.
The number of containment zones in the national capital currently stands at 472, as per the Health Bulletin.