Activist urges Russian Embassy to discontinue recruitment of Nepali citizens in Ukraine war

Feb 05, 2024

Kathmandu (Nepal), Feb 05 (ANI): A group of Human rights activists in Nepal submitted a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, requesting that the Russian Army stop its attacks on Ukraine and return all Nepali nationals who were enlisted and killed there. Activists flashed placards with demands as they formed a queue outside the Russian embassy, coordinated by the Human Rights and Peace Society, Nepal. The latest round of demonstration comes in wake of the reports about hundreds of Nepali citizens being recruited in Russian Force to fight against Ukrainian Forces in the ongoing war which has continued since February 24, 2022. Members of the demonstrating groups later walked down to the Embassy and submitted the letter to embassy staff which addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin. With the formal start of war between Ukraine and Russia, the latter tried to evade and capture areas of Ukraine, Russia started to recruit foreign nationals in its military. As per the reports, recruits from foreign nations are promised a hefty amount and citizenship after a certain period of time. The scheme of Russia to recruit foreign nationals got overwhelming admission for which Nepali youths also travelled to various parts of Europe and got into Russia to get recruited.