125 stranded students including specially-abled brought back to J-K from Delhi

May 19, 2020

Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], May 19 : As many as 125 stranded students including specially-abled were brought back to Jammu and Kashmir from New Delhi in five buses amid the nationwide lockdown on Tuesday.
"On the intervention of Lieutenant Governor GC Murmu and Advisor to LG Baseer Khan, 125 stranded students including blind and physically challenged were brought back to Jammu and Kashmir from New Delhi in 5 air-conditioned buses," Department of Information and Public Relations (DIPR), Jammu and Kashmir tweeted.
Meanwhile, around 1,000 persons including 500 students boarded the Special Shramik Train which left Pune for Udhampur 7.00 pm this evening. 2,000 stranded persons evacuated from Maharashtra by 2 Shramik Trains till date.
The DIPR further said that Jammu and Kashmir administration has so far evacuated 14,255 residents of Union Territory stranded in various parts of the country and outside through 16 COVID Special trains, 59492 by bus through Lakhanpur and 501 through special flights.