Amit Shah urges people to use indigenous products for economic self-reliance

Jun 08, 2020

New Delhi [India], June 8 : Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday urged people to use only indigenous products as far as possible as part of efforts to make the country self-reliant.
"Narendra Modiji made a call for Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant), an India where 130 crore people use Indian products. I appeal to crores of BJP workers, people of Odisha and the country to take a pledge to use indigenous products as far as possible," Amit Shah said at Odisha Jan-Samvad virtual rally.
Shah said party workers should continue to help those in need during the crisis created by the coronavirus pandemic.
He said the work done by the BJP government in the past one year cannot be seen in isolation.
"Modiji became Prime Minister six years ago. Today the whole world sees India with pride, all this was started when Modiji was chosen to lead the nation," he said.
Shah said many governments came with two-thirds majority but did not have the courage to remove Article 370 and 35A.
"On August 5, 2019, Narendra Modiji brought the bill to parliament and abrogated Article 370 and 35A. This is a courageous decision which only PM Modi could take," he said.
He referred to surgical strike and aerial strike carried out by Modi government after terror attacks and said it showed the world that India would not endure the encroachment of its borders.
He said Pakistan was punished by airstrikes and surgical strikes.
"We've also seen terrorist attacks like before, but PM Modi did not sit silently like previous PMs. He answered with airstrikes and surgical strikes and teaching them a lesson. This showed the world that India would not endure the encroachment of its borders," he said.
''Under PM Modi's leadership, any intrusion into the borders of India will be punished. Some used to say that US and Israel were the only countries which were willing and capable of avenging every drop of the blood of their soldiers. Modi Ji has added India to that list,'' he added.
The Home Minister said BJP isn't in politics just for power, but for getting in touch with people, understanding their problems and take it to the government. "When we form the government, we take our report card to the people with our performances," he said.
Referring to COVID-19, he said the norm was to follow social distancing but it can never be between the people and the party. He said the party was getting in touch with people through virtual rallies.
He said people of Odisha "blessed" the party with over 38 per cent votes in the state in the Lok Sabha elections and eight seats that helped PM Modi continue leading India at the global level
Referring to Ayushman Bharat, he said the scheme was started by the Prime Minister for 50 crore poor Indians.
"When Modiji became prime minister in 2014, he said his government is for the poor, tribals, Dalits. He fulfils what he says," Shah said, adding that he has taken a lot of steps to improve living standard of the poor in the country.
"When PM Modi came to power, seven crore families had no bank accounts. Under the Jan Dhan Yojana, 31 crore bank accounts were opened. During the lockdown, the Modi government sent Rs 53,000 crore to crores of Indians to help them," he said.
Shah said 9.5 crore farmers have received Rs 72,000 crore so far under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
"It's not a one-time thing. Every farmer will receive Rs 6,000 every year by the Modi government. Congress waived off loans just once, but this yearly support will help our farmers even more," he said.
Shah said PM Modi did not sign the RCEP agreement to ensure our small traders and manufacturers were safeguarded.
"Several such decisions were taken to protect several people from various fields in the country," he said.
He said in several states like Odisha, more than 42 per cent households don't have access to tap water.
"PM Narendra Modi launched Jal Jeevan Mission to make available safe drinking water through pipeline to 25 crore people by 2022. It is such a big decision," he said.