Assam: Kaziranga National Park take steps to help animals survive harsh winter

Nov 01, 2022

Kaziranga (Assam) [India], November 1 : With the winter almost knocking the door, the authority of the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) at Kaziranga National Park in Assam has taken steps to help the animals survive the harsh winter.
The authorities have installed heaters, provided blankets for the animals and made the required arrangements for the animals.
The Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) at Kaziranga has provided blankets to keep two baby elephants warm during the winter.
There are two baby elephants at the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC), Kaziranga. The authorities have provided blankets to keep the baby elephants warm in the winter.
Dr Samshul Ali, a Veterinary doctor of CWRC, Kaziranga said that they have taken appropriate measures to take care of the animals at the CWRC during the winter season.
"As winter is arriving, we have to take more care of the animals at CWRC, particularly elephants. We have usually used hay, particularly for elephants; to cover them, we have used blankets during this winter season. Apart from it, we have to take care of birds, so we have developed an ICU where we can control the temperature. We have six elephants, two rhinos, one buffalo, leopards and a few birds," Dr Samshul Ali said.