Biden reassures support for Afghan security forces over phone call with Ghani

Jul 23, 2021

Kabul [Afghanistan], July 24 : US President Joe Biden pledged to continue support for the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), said President Ashraf Ghani on Friday as both leaders during a phone call noted the importance of preserving the gains of past decades.
"This evening, I spoke with President Biden over a phone call. We discussed the evolving but continuing relationship between the two countries. President Biden reassured me that support for the ANDSF will continue. We have confidence that they will protect & defend Afghanistan," Ghani tweeted.
Both leaders reiterated the enduring partnership, continued diplomatic and economic support for the Afghan government, security forces and the importance of preserving the gains of the last twenty years.
"We stressed on the importance of the Afghans coming together for peace and security. And reiterated the enduring partnership, continued diplomatic and economic support for the Afghan government, security forces and the importance of preserving the gains of the last twenty years," Afghan President added.
The US military in the past few days conducted airstrikes in Afghanistan to support Afghan security forces, the Pentagon confirmed on Thursday.
At an off-camera press briefing, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said that "in the last several days, we have acted, through airstrikes, to support the ANDSF (Afghan National Defense and Security Forces)."
"But we continue to be able to and we continue to, as the Secretary (US Defence) said yesterday, conduct airstrikes in support of the ANDSF. General McKenzie has those authorities," he added.
At least five Taliban terrorists were killed in airstrikes carried out in several provinces in Afghanistan over the past three days, according to local media. General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on Wednesday, had said that the Taliban are propagating "inevitable victory" in Afghanistan with control over nearly 212 district centres.
"There is clearly a narrative out there that Taliban are winning. In fact, they are propagating inevitable victory on their behalf. As of today, more or less, I guess it is about 212, 213, it is in that range. The district centres are in Taliban control, it is about half of the 419 that are out there," Milley had said.
Earlier this, the Biden administration had said that US military pullback from Afghanistan will conclude by August 31. US Central Command said last week over 95 per cent of the withdrawal had been completed.