BJP raking up Ramcharitmanas remarks row to divert attention from real issues, says Tejashwi Yadav

Jan 15, 2023

Patna (Bihar) [India], January 15 : Amid ongoing controversy over Bihar Education Minister and RJD leader Chandrashekhar's remarks on Ramcharitmanas, Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav on Sunday said that the Bharatiya Janata Party is raising this issue to divert attention from real issues.
"BJP is raising the issue of the Ramcharitmanas remark after the caste-based survey but, is it an issue? The Constitution gives us freedom of speech. Why is nobody talking about price rises and unemployment? BJP is trying to divert attention from real issues," Yadav told media persons here.
He further hit out at the Opposition in the state- BJP and said that Mahagathbandhan will not "break" even after their all efforts.
"They can do anything they want, Mahagathbandhan will not break. We made this alliance after consulting the top leaders of both parties. People of Bihar are with Lalu Yadav and Nitish Kumar and it cannot be broken till they are with us," Yadav said.
Taking a jibe at the BJP, Bihar DY CM said that it is their "conspiracy" to break the alliance in the state.
"They used to talk about making Nitish ji the President, but didn't do anything. Now, they doing conspiracy when Nitish ji is with us," he further said.
Referring to Chandrashekhar's remark about the holy book of Hindus, Yadav warned other ministers in the government, saying people are not with such people.
The remarks made by Chandrashekhar on Ramcharitmanas have stirred outrage among Hindu religious leaders and BJP also. They have demanded his dismissal from the government.
Bihar Minister on Wednesday stoked the controversy after he claimed that Ramcharitmanas, an epic Hindu religious book which is based on Ramayana, "spreads hatred in the society".
While addressing the students at the 15th convocation ceremony of Nalanda Open University, he described Ramcharitmanas and Manusmriti as books that divide society.
"Why was Manusmriti burnt, because many abuses were written in it against a large section. Why was Ramcharitmanas resisted and which part was resisted? Lower caste people were not allowed to access education and it is said in the Ramcharitmanas that lower caste people become poisonous by getting an education as a snake becomes after drinking milk."
He has said that Manusmriti and Ramcharitmanas are books that spread hatred in society as it prevents Dalits-backwards and women in society from getting an education.
"Manusmriti, Ramcharitmanas, Bunch of Thoughts by Guru Golwalkar... these books are books that spread hatred. Hatred will not make the country great, love will make the country great," added Chandrashekhar.
However, the minister remained defiant in the face of loud protests.
Speaking to media persons, the Bihar Minister said, "How many times do I say the same thing? I spoke the truth; I stand by it. What do I have to do with whatever anyone says?"