CBI registers FIR against senior Oncologist for administering overdose of Chemotherapy leading to Bahraini national's death

Apr 30, 2022

New Delhi [India], April 30 : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday registered a case against a senior Oncologist for alleged medical negligence leading to the death of a Bahraini national.
The CBI said that the Kingdom of Bahrain has requested for initiating local prosecution in India against fugitive Doctor Prem Ravivarma Puthia Kovillakam. Indian National was wanted by the authorities of Bahrain for the alleged offence of causing the death of one Abdullah Mahmoud Al-Ahmadi, a Bahraini National by an overdose of Chemotherapy which led to his death on March 21, 2016.
The FIR reads that in March 2016 Prem Ravivarma Puthia Kovillakam was treating the victim for anal cancer treatment at Salmaniya Medical Oncology Department, Bahrain. On March 8, 2016, the patient went to Salmaniya Medical Complex and it was approved to administer alternate doses of chemotherapy (Mitomycin-C) and radiotherapy.
On March 15, 2016, the convicted accused Puthia Kovilakam, Prem Ravi Kumar, Senior Resident in Oncology Department, gave an order to dispense a dose of 10mg/m2(Mitomycin) and 825mg/m2(Xeloda) tables, which were collected according to the patient's body surface area (BSA 1.52) as follows (15mgx10-150mg) as it was supposed to be performed in this way (1.5mgx10=15mg), FIR reads.
The required dose was received from the pharmacy department and administered to the patient via the central venous line, it reads.
It further reads that the patient's condition deteriorated as a result of the overdose that was 10 times the necessary dose, which led to his kidney failure and his death on March 21, 2016.
The aforesaid acts of commission on the part of accused Dr Puthia Kovilakam Prem Ravi Kumar causing the death of victim Abdullah Mahmoud Al-Ahmadi due to medical negligence, prima-facie disclose the commission of an offence under section 304-A (causing death by negligence) of IPC against the accused Dr Puthia Kovilakam Prem Ravi Kumar, the FIR reads.
India has bilateral agreements with the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain on criminal matters, which allows India to prosecute a person locally if the act committed by him/her is considered an offence under the laws of both contracting states. And CBI will investigate these cases for local prosecution and keep updating the concerned embassy.