China calls on Biden to roll back Trump's 'dangerous practice' on Taiwan

Mar 07, 2021

Beijing [China], March 8 : With the United States repeatedly affirming its support to Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on President Joe Biden to reverse the policies of former President Donald Trump on Taiwan.
Speaking at a press conference on Sunday on the sidelines of the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress in Beijing, Wang warned the Biden administration to take back former President Trump's "dangerous practice" of supporting Taiwan, which is claimed by China as its own territory.
"The Chinese government has no room for compromise...We urge the new US administration to fully understand the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue," Wang said.
CGTN quoted the foreign minister as saying that the US government will properly handle the Taiwan issue and depart from the previous administration's dangerous practice of "crossing the red line" and "playing with fire".
"This is the trend of history and collective will of the entire Chinese nation. It will not and cannot be changed," he added.
Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait region is a source of a tussle between the US and China owing to Washington's support of Taiwan.
Taiwan had split from mainland China in the wake of civil war and the US has remained a decades-long ally of Taiwan since then.
Taipei has expressed gratitude to the US for its commitment of "rock-solid support" against China's coercion after the United States expressed plans to strengthen ties with Taiwan under President Joe Biden's administration.
"We sincerely thank US State Department for its rock-solid support of democratic of Taiwan in the face of Beijing's ongoing coercion. Based on shared values and interests, we are committed to our partnership with the United States in furthering peace and stability in the Indo Pacific," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said in a tweet amid Beijing's growing belligerence.
According to a report by CNN, US President Joe Biden's China policy would be shaped on three key issues in the Pacific Ocean, viz - South China Sea, Taiwan, and Taiwan Strait and Japan and a system of alliances and partners.