China criticises Germany for suspending extradition treaty with Hong Kong

Aug 01, 2020

Berlin [Germany], Aug 2 : China has condemned Germany's decision to suspend extradition agreement with Hong Kong after the territorial government delayed the local polls.
"The Chinese Embassy in Germany expresses its strong indignation and firm opposition to the wrong remarks of German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas regarding Hong Kong affairs on July 31th," Chinese Embassy said in a statement.
It stated the Hong Kong SAR government's decision to postpone the Legislative Council election due to the severe COVID-19 epidemic situation is a responsible move to protect the lives and health of Hong Kong residents.
"Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs. The German side's erroneous remarks on Hong Kong and the suspension of the extradition treaty with Hong Kong are a serious breach of international law and basic norms governing international relations and gross violation of China's internal affairs. We firmly oppose them and reserve the right to react further," said the Chinese consulate
Germany has decided to suspend its extradition treaty with Hong Kong, Foreign Minister, Heiko Mass, said on Friday (local time) after the erstwhile British colony decided to postpone legislative council elections.
"The decision by the Hong Kong Government to disqualify 12 opposition candidates and to postpone the elections to the Legislative Council represents a further infringement of the rights of Hong Kong's citizens," Mass said.
The German Foreign Minister said this move comes after the detention of four activists by the newly established National Security Department, which "fills us with concern."
"In view of these latest developments, we have decided to suspend our extradition agreement with Hong Kong," he said.
Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on Friday that the Legislative Council elections scheduled for September 6 will be postponed over the COVID-19 threat.
"We have repeatedly made clear our expectation that China abide by its obligations under international law. This includes ensuring the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Basic Law of Hong Kong. In particular, it includes the right to free and fair elections, which the people of Hong Kong must enjoy," said Mass.
The developments come in the wake of imposition of draconian national security law in Hong Kong, aimed at crushing dissent in the erstwhile British colony which saw massive pro-democracy protests last year.