Chinese President to embark on national exercise to discipline the communist party: Report

Jan 11, 2023

Singapore, January 12 : Chinese President Xi Jinping described his tenure in power as the "new ear" wherein he will embark on a national exercise to discipline the communist party and its units for better governance, Singapore-based online news portal The Singapore Post reported.
Jinping in January second week, addressed the plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China.
Xi, during the session, pointed out that discipline is the "rule" for governing the party. He said that it is standard for party members to restrain their behavior.
The president proposed placing discipline in a more prominent position, and that "strict requirements must be implemented in the entire process of party rule formulation, party discipline education, and discipline enforcement supervision", according to The Singapore Post.
According to the new Communist Party rulebook, every member must be aware of the Party Constitution. They should study the Party Constitution and abide by it.
A recent Chinese state media report, as quoted by The Singapore Post, said that party members shout "get into the habit of working and living in a supervised and restrained environment".
Despite the election of Jinping for an unprecedented third term, the CCP continues to face leadership challenges such as the test of long-term rule, reform and modernisation, revival of the market economy and of the external environment, according to di Valerio Fabbri writing in Geopolitica.Info.
The primary cause behind the loss of faith in Xi's leadership as well as that of the CCP by the Chinese masses is attributed to passive corruption, the party's authoritarian style of working, and the separation of government from the masses.
According to Liu Haixing, deputy director of the Central National Security Commission office, who recently wrote an article in People's Daily on national security issues and was quoted by Fabbri in Geopolitica.Info, the national challenges facing the communist government are bound to create new problems in future.
The media recently reported that China, under Chairman Xi Jinping, thought it was wiser than anyone else. In fact, instead of wisdom, it turned out that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under Xi was pursuing nothing other than obstinate exceptionalism, believing it could do what no other nation on Earth could achieve.
Where others failed, Xi and his apparatchiks thought China could beat the coronavirus with the advantages of "socialism with Chinese characteristics" alone. Thus, for three long years, China invested heavily in an intolerant policy of zero COVID, locking down whole cities at a time. It also created an enormous army of white-suited and masked minions who tested, bullied, and strutted about the country to impose the emperor's will, said media reports.