Congress gives adjournment motion notice in LS over 'bodies of four TN fishermen found in Palk Strait'

Feb 05, 2021

New Delhi [India], February 5 : Congress MP and Whip in Lok Sabha Manickam Tagore has given an adjournment motion notice over "bodies of four fishermen from Tamil Nadu found in Palk Strait."
"I hereby give notice of my intention to ask for leave to move a motion for the adjournment of the business of the house for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent importance, namely: On January 19th, 2021, four fishermen from Tamil Nadu reported missing and four days late on January 23rd it was reported by Sri Lankan Navy that their bodies were found in Palk Strait," Tagore stated.
The contention of the Sri Lankan Navy was the boat of fishermen rammed into its vessel and hence the incident happened. But it is actually not so, Tagore stated.
"The fishermen were brutally attacked, killed and their catches have been taken away by the Sri Lankan Navy. This is not the first incident. We have been raising such issues in the house every now and then and fishermen in Tamil Nadu are compelled to quit their profession because of harassment by the Sri Lankan Navy," he added.