Disruption in Republic Day celebrations will send wrong message to world, says MoS Agriculture

Jan 14, 2021

New Delhi [India], January 14 : Any disruption or obstruction in the Republic Day celebrations on January 26 will send a wrong message to the world, said Union Minister Kailash Choudhary on Thursday.
Reacting to the proposed tractor rally planned by farmers on Republic Day to protest against the three agricultural laws, Choudhary said any disruption or obstruction in the Republic Day celebrations will send a wrong message to the world.
"The agitating farmers should take back their decision regarding the proposed rally," Choudhary told ANI.
Choudhary urged the agitating farmers to trust the Supreme Court-mandated committee.
"The committee formed by the SC in the matter will make unbiased decisions and farmers can put their issues in front of them so that the court can announce the verdict in the matter as soon as possible," he said adding that the agitating farmers must also think about the farmers who are supporting the new farm laws.
Responding to the recent tweet of Rahul Gandhi, in which he has slammed the Union government regarding the ongoing farmers' agitation, the Union Minister said, "Rahul Gandhi is just politicising the matter and the farmers' union must understand that they are being provoked by Congress."
Rahul Gandhi on Thursday extended greetings to the farmers protesting against the new farm laws on the occasion of Pongal, Makar Sankranti and Magh Bihu.
"Harvest season is a time of joy and celebrations. Happy Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Bihu, Bhogi and Uttarayan! Special prayers & wishes for our Kisan-Mazdoors who are fighting for their rights against powerful forces," his tweet read.