'Do not fall prey to people with vested interests,' Andhra CM tells volunteers

Feb 10, 2021

Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh) [India], February 10 : Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday wrote a letter to 2.6 lakh village and ward volunteers, in response to a few political factions provoking them to protest for a salary hike.
Andhra CM in his letter asked them not to be misled by people who are bent on destroying the volunteer system and continue to offer their services as before.
"Certain people with vested interests who want to snatch your respect and this noble system from you are provoking you to protest. I, as a brother, humbly request you to stay away from such elements and concentrate on the service you are rendering to the needy," he said.
He said they are not doing a 'job' but rendering a valuable 'service' to the needy without expecting anything in return.
"This isn't a job. You are rendering a very valuable service to the needy without expecting anything in return. You are receiving wishes and respect in return. The entire country is praising the system due to the same," he said.
CM Jagan said that the word volunteer itself means rendering selfless service. "You are not receiving a salary, you are respectfully receiving a stipend. I believe that 99 per cent of the 2.6 lakh volunteers are rendering services with the same spirit. I salute each one of you for the selfless service you are rendering to the state and its beloved citizens."
He asked them to remember his statements at the time of launching this initiative and what was there in the handbook given to each one of them. The handbook provided to them clearly states that "all the volunteers will serve the people by door delivering government initiatives and receive a respectful stipend in return until they secure a better opportunity."
He further said that this system was also formulated to instill self-confidence, develop leadership skills and increase the interaction between the volunteers and the citizens. "Have also reiterated time and time again that I would require your support to bring about positive changes in the system in order to make it corruption and discrimination-free," he added.
The Chief Minister said he instated this system with a vision of creating machinery that is beyond caste, religion, political and other discriminatory barriers. The system was to ensure that the welfare initiatives of the Government benefit every eligible citizen and to weed out corruption and relieve the poor of having to pay bribes.