Doha meeting conveyed India's concerns, Afghan soil shouldn't be used for terror activities: MEA

Sep 02, 2021

New Delhi [India], September 2 : Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Thursday informed that India used the Doha meeting as an opportunity to convey concerns to the Taliban related to the possible 'use of Afghanistan soil for terror activities' and evacuation of people from the war-torn country.
During the MEA press briefing, spokesperson Arindam Bagchi also said that "the evacuation flights and other commercial flights reopening completely depends upon the working of Kabul airport.
"We will be able to revisit this issue once operations at Kabul airport resume. The majority of Indians have left Afghanistan," but a few Indians are still there in the country, he informed.
Bagchi also informed that India received a positive response to the concerns that were raised during the Doha meeting which took place between Indian ambassador to Qatar Deepak Mittal and the head of Taliban's political office, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai.
Regarding the question on the composition of the new Taliban government in Afghanistan, Bagchi said that India is not aware of any details or nature of what kind of government could be formed in Afghanistan post-Taliban takeover of the war-torn country.
Meanwhile, Qatar Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on Thursday informed that the state is discussing with the Taliban to reopen Hamid Karzai International Airport.
Turkey could be providing the potential technical support to restart operations at the airport, Al Jazeera reported citing Abdulrahman Al Thani.
During the MEA briefing, Bagchi also spoke about the air bubble flights that Indian and Bangladesh have planned to start in the near future, "Both sides are interested in resuming it as soon as possible but we don't have an exact date on which it will start," he added.