EU Foreign Policy Chief calls virtual meet in support of Ukraine against Russian strike

Feb 26, 2022

Brussels [Belgium], February 27 : EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell on Saturday (local time) said that he had convened a virtual meeting of EU Foreign Ministers on Sunday to adopt further measures in support of Ukraine against Russian aggression.
"I am convening a virtual meeting of EU Foreign Ministers tomorrow at 18.00 to adopt further measures in support of #Ukraine, against aggression by #Russia. I will propose a package of emergency assistance for the Ukrainian armed forces, to support them in their heroic fight," Borrell tweeted.
Meanwhile, President of the European Council Charles Michel said that the European Union will facilitate supplying military assistance to Ukraine.
"EU defence in action in support to Ukraine Will facilitate deliveries of military aid from EU to Ukraine. Democratic Ukraine will prevail," Michel tweeted.
Earlier, the European Union condemned Russia's action.
"The European Union (EU) condemns in the strongest possible terms the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by armed forces of the Russian Federation. We also condemn the involvement of Belarus in this aggression against Ukraine and call on it to abide by its international obligations," the EU said in a statement.
The EU also called on the international community to demand from Russia the immediate end of this aggression, which endangers international peace and security at a global scale, according to the statement.