Every team in I-League poses a different challenge, says Churchill Brothers boss Varela

Dec 28, 2020

New Delhi [India], December 28 : Churchill Brothers FC Goa head coach Fernando Santiago Varela stressed the fact that every team in the I-League poses a different challenge and mentioned that the Red Machines will need to be on their toes to thwart those obstacles in order to win the coveted title.
"Real Kashmir, Gokulam Kerala and even debutants Sudeva Delhi FC will all pose a different sort of challenge. I'm really happy to be a part of this historic club. It's going to be a new challenge for me. Churchill Brothers FC Goa boast of a rich legacy. We need to keep our heads high and fight to win," the Spaniard stated at the Virtual Media Day ahead of the I-League 2020-21 on Monday.
He further lauded the club for maintaining a perfect balance between youngsters and experienced players in the squad to achieve their target of lifting the I-League trophy.
"I am very happy with the squad. We have a mix of experienced boys like Shilton (Paul) alongside young players who are striving to compete in their first I-League. There are quite a few talented young guns from Goa who are desperate to showcase their talent. I believe it's important for a club to focus more on local talents," the former Gokulam Kerala FC coach maintained.
Shilton Paul, the highly-experienced gloveman who will represent a Goan club for the first time in his illustrious career, has already experienced staying in a bio-secure bubble during the I-League Qualifier 2020, when he represented Bhawanipore FC. He revealed how he has already shared his experience with his teammates about the dos-and-don'ts of the 'new normal' environment.
"I explained to the players what the bubble is and how we need to overcome the situation. Surely, you have to be pretty clear psychologically to stay focused within a bio-secure bubble. Staying with this bubble for a longer period may take a toll on your mental health which, in turn, will affect your on-field performance. We have to make sure we stay calm and focused to deliver at the optimum level once the league kicks off," Paul sounded confident.
He also reiterated, "RoundGlass Punjab FC, Real Kashmir, Indian Arrows -- all the teams in the league are quite capable of denting our aspirations but we are also confident. We can't expect anything less than a tremendously competitive league."
"I'm overwhelmed to see the kind of love that people bestow on me. I would request everyone to support us from back home. We would do everything to bring a smile to you," the custodian added.