Farmers fighting for their rights against powerful forces: Rahul Gandhi

Jan 14, 2021

New Delhi [India], January 14 : Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday extended greetings to farmers protesting against the central farm laws and netizens of the country on the occasion of Pongal, Makar Sankranti and Magh Bihu.
The Wayand MP offered "special wishes" to the farmers agitating on the Delhi borders against the three agriculture laws, stating that "our Kisan-Mazdoors are fighting for their rights against powerful forces".
"Harvest season is a time of joy and celebrations. Happy Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Bihu, Bhogi and Uttarayan! Special prayers and wishes for our Kisan-Mazdoors who are fighting for their rights against powerful forces," Gandhi tweeted.
As the Congress leader is scheduled to reach Tamil Nadu today to begin the party's election campaign for the upcoming Assembly polls, he will participate in traditional bull-taming sport -- 'Jallikattu' -- in Madurai and celebrate Pongal with the people of Tamil Nadu.
"Happy Pongal to all. I am coming to Tamil Nadu today to celebrate Pongal with you. I am participating in the Jallikattu festival in Madurai," he tweeted in Tamil.
Gandhi is also scheduled to visit Coimbatore on January 23 and 24. Assembly polls are due in Tamil Nadu in April-May 2021.
Pongal is a four-day harvest festival dedicated to the Sun God. To mark the festival, the Pongal sweet dish is prepared and is first offered to the Gods and Goddesses followed, sometimes, with an offering to cows.