Following Taliban's crackdown on women, German non-profit organizations suspend operations in Afghanistan

Dec 29, 2022

Kabul [Afghanistan], December 29 : After the Taliban banned women from working with NGOs, and international organizations from going to work, German non-profit groups have suspended their operations in Afghanistan, joining a long list of other humanitarian organisations that have done the same, Khaama Press reported.
The newest governing regime directive banning women from working for private or international groups has caused a significant blow to Afghanistan's de facto authorities, who have seen an increase in the number of humanitarian organisations stopping their operations.
According to Khaama Press, the German government is apparently planning to suspend financial aid for Afghanistan after the Taliban'recent crackdown on women in Afghanistan.
"By banning the employment of female staff of non-governmental organizations, the Taliban in Afghanistan have struck an irresponsible blow against aid to the Afghan people," Development Minister Svenja Schulze said in a statement, Khaama Press reported. "Without female employees, organizations cannot continue their work in many areas for half the population."
German contributions to Afghanistan have reached 430 million euros, making it the second-largest donor country behind the United States, according to the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Meanwhile, the economic and humanitarian in Afghanistan remain devastating.
On 24 December, the de facto authorities issued a decree banning women from working in NGOs, TOLOnews reported. This came after they had already suspended university education for women and secondary schooling for girls until what they termed further notice.
The ban on higher education for women in Afghanistan has reportedly drawn widespread reactions from all across the globe and criticism for the Taliban's hardline policies in the country.