FORDA continues strike, seeks written apology from Delhi police

Dec 29, 2021

New Delhi [India], December 29 : A day after the Federation of Resident Doctors' Association (FORDA) proposed three demands to end the protest over the delay in NEET-PG counselling and alleged manhandling of doctors by the police, it decided on Wednesday to continue the strike until the police issue a ''written apology for their behaviour'', according to FORDA President Dr Manish.
Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, Dr Manish had said, "Firstly, we want the concerned authorities to ensure that we should get a date for counselling right after the Supreme Court's hearing on January 6 concludes. Secondly, we want an apology from the authorities as the police manhandled the doctors. Thirdly, we want the withdrawal of FIRs registered against protesters."
"The strike is still underway. We demand a written apology for police brutality during yesterday's protest of resident doctors at ITO. We will hold a meeting with all Resident Doctors Association (RDAs) at 8 pm today to decide the future course of action," he said.
Meanwhile, the patients continue to bear the brunt of the strike by the doctors.
Speaking to ANI on Tuesday, a patient's family member who had come to the RML Hospital said, "Due to this strike what I am getting is date after date but they have worked in a herculean manner throughout the pandemic. Their demand is very much appropriate, the government should accept it as soon as possible."
Another family member of a patient said that the doctors have asked them to return when their strike is over.
"We are visiting the hospital but people here say that the patients will not be treated as the doctors are on strike. We come and go back. We have come here to get our mother treated," said another patient's family member.
After resident doctors across the country continued their protest against the delay in NEET-PG counselling and warned of withdrawing "all healthcare services" from Wednesday, the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday had called an emergency meeting with a 12-member delegation of FORDA representatives.